A work In Progress
Lina Explores

Hey all, I am pursuing a passion to publish this line of Children's books. I have published an initial rough version of the first story here on Medium. Link below.
I am working hard to get many things in place and right for the publication of the books. Above is one of the illustrations. Below is the initial cover design we are still working on.

If you would like to help me with this you can do a lot of things.
- If you are a Paying Member of Medium, Go read all of my posted amazing, Fiction Tales.
- If you are not a Paying Member of Medium use the link below to become one, then go read all of my out of this world, posted Fiction Tales.
3. Tell everyone you know on Medium to go read my Fabulous Fiction Tales.
4. Donate to the cause on Ko-FI, link below.
Future Titles
Lina Explores at Home
Lina Explores the Neighborhood
Lina Explores with New Friends
Lina, Javier, and Afia Explare at the Park
Here is Afia, Lina’s friend whose parents are from Ethiopia.

Thanks for following and supporting my desire to live by writing.
© 2021, T. Mark Mangum
I am T. Mark Mangum. From an early age, I was hooked, addicted to the imagined, unfathomable worlds of Star Wars, Star Trek, Conan, and the Lord of the Rings, and many others. I write fiction tales. I love writing fiction tales. I love writing in multiple genres. However, my favorites are Sci-fi and Fantasy fiction. I am a father of six, we have two cats and two dogs. Tabletop gaming is a passion.
Thank you all so much for reading, clapping, and responding to the first story of Lina Explores posted on Medium. There is a little surprise if you go to the story. More illustrations
Adelina Vasile, Ripley J. Cloud, Esteban Giancaterino, Jocelyn Joy Thomas, Kim Vansant, Darren Ray, Tracy Neiman, Lucy Socha, Amy Marley, Jeofrey Ogire, Hans Cheetham, Johnny C, JoJo, Terry Mansfield, Christopher Lovelace @ChristopherLovelace, Ọládiméjì AdélaNí, Megan Nicole Morgan, Esther George, Kyri Bailey Arriaga, Bwalya Chanda, Jay Javurek, Olivia Marlene, Kalpa Sandaruwan, Patrick S. Smith, Subandi Kamis, Udele Edward, simonrool, Ricky Brown, Krystal Mossbarger, Filiz Özer